
Friday, October 21, 2016

The Beautiful People, Part II

As I shared before, each story is so different. Meet Erin.

"I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma triple positive breast cancer stage 3 in sept 2015. I had been feeling f a hard small lump prior while nursing my 3 year old surviving twin Grace. The lump js on the same side that I carried Baylie on the left. I started to feel the lump after my brother passed 2 years ago. When I went to doctors they told me it was nothing I'm to young and breast feeding however my gut won't rest. I knew it was something. The doctor that delvered my twins believed in my intuition and referred me to a mamma gram. Biopsy confirmed. I knew it has to do with the grief. I watched my disabled sister pass to a reoccurrence of brain cancer. The chemo and radiation took whatever quality of life she had left. It took her a year to die a gruesome death. I promised myself that if
I ever got cancer I would do it different. I started researching immuno therapy And how to heal the immune system since cancer is a auto immune disease. I watched the truth about cancer thankfully before choosing treatments. I went to
Hope4cancer for 3 weeks in Tijuana Mexico. It was incredible and I learned so much about my body and why it stopped seeing cancer. I've done a lot of emotional healing detoxing from all the grief. I've learned to love myself and not
Feel guilty. Cancer has taught me to forgive. Tumor has shrunk no lymph involvement we are healing one immune boosting loving treatment at a time"

If you would like to support Erin's battle against breast cancer, please visit her GoFundMe page

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