
Thursday, November 29, 2018




noun: pandemonium

wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar.

This perfectly describes where I'm at right now.  I long for peace and silence, order and certainty; calm.

I stopped sharing on this blog because I desperately wanted to have my life return to normal. I was done with treatment and restoring health to my body following chemo and surgeries. I didn't want to be a breast cancer poster child any more. I wanted to move on.

Clearly that wasn't to be. I don't always do it well but I try. I shared a post earlier this week that caused mixed reactions from my loved ones. Chaos ensued. Part of me wishes I'd never shared. The other part is glad I did. Allow me to explain. 

When I was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago, I opted to go an integrative route for treatment. I had surgery and modified chemo but combined that with several holistic modalities that I felt important and were supported by my integrative oncologist. Prior to this, it had been close to 10 years that I didn't take even tylenol for a headache. I'd experienced multiple allergic reactions and chemical sensitivities, as well as chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia. I went to great lengths to avoid unnecessary toxins and had seen true healing take place. My cancer diagnosis came when I was at my healthiest. Agreeing to do chemo went against EVERYTHING I knew to be true for me. But I prayed and prayed and felt it was the right thing to do. So I did. 

The last 2 years have been spent working hard to rebuild my health, detox my body, heal, and move forward. Finding out in September that the cancer had metastasized to my bones was devastating but I felt peace about it. I no longer had to worry or wonder if and when it would come back. Treatment started right away but it meant taking drugs that I was not okay with. Again. The side effects SUCK and the risks are dangerous. The alternative treaments I'd looked into before were revisited. Endless prayers and research led me back to a clinic in Tijuana. What drew me in was their focus on healing the whole body, not just slowing the cancer growth. That's all my oncologists can do, slow it and make me comfortable. But for how long? These drugs are notorious for working for a while and then stopping. This treatment center focuses on nontoxic treatments and correcting nutritional deficiencies, etc. These things are all in line with my personal philosophies on health and wellness. I realize that this avenue of care does not resonate with everyone. Yet I had no clue the response I'd get from a few loved ones bold enough to speak their concerns. I do appreciate the love and concern expressed. I do love you and am thankful for your concerns. I don't feel obligated to win you over to my way of thinking. I don't expect you to understand why I feel God is leading me that direction. I need your love and encouragement right now though. You can't possibly imagine what is going on in my brain and my heart right now as my own emotions and uncertainties circulate with your doubts and fears.

I met with my integrative oncologist yesterday. She was under the impression my other oncologist was monitoring me closely. She didn't know she'd basically washed her hands of me. She reassured me that won't happen again. She'll be seeing me regularly. We went over both my PET scan from September and the CT scan from my ER visit last weekend. The ER doctor that was dismayed to tell me the cancer had spread even more was partial wrong. The cancer in my ribs and humerus are NOT new. It was there 2 months ago but is now more pronounced. She said the pain should be minimal by now so she's sending me to a radiation oncologist. They're hoping to target the most painful areas, my pelvis and neck, to zap the cancer and relieve the pain. She also is checking my tumor markers again to see if they're still rising. If they are, we'll know that the current treatment is ineffective. We talked about clinical studies. The ones she feels are the best options for me are ones I don't (yet) qualify for. We discussed other treatment options. She will support whatever I decide to do. We discussed the clinic in Mexico. She's been there and to others like it. She does not feel that it's the best place for the type of cancer I have. For others, yes. Very effective. For me, not really. She said I have an aggressive cancer that needs to be met with aggressive treatment in a timely manner. I loathe the urgency to make a decision that needs more time to consider. So, I continue on. I take the drugs. I see the doc for radiation. I keep searching and praying. I don't know if God would have me go to the clinic in Mexico. I do know that every bone in my tired body is against the toxic meds I'm taking. My hair is thinning. My skin is peeling. My gut is in turmoil. My teeth and jaw ache. My neck and head hurt constantly. My pelvic pain has me gasping in pain. Is it any wonder I'm searching high and low for help? 

So, my loved ones, I'm sorry for the pandemonium I caused this week but I make no apologies for the choices I've made and the methods I use to come to those decisions. If you've made a financial contribution to my care that you regret, please let me know immediately so it can be returned. Every dime will go towards my healing and care but at this point I cannot say for certain what that will look like. My intention is to be a good steward of all that I'm given, whether it be time, my body, or funds. God knows my heart and it is Him that I must honor in all things. My hope is in Him alone. 

Pictured: That's my medical file. Pathology reports, labs, scans, notes, and so on. Everything my integrative oncologist has on me. Do you see that invoice next to it? Another $500 "Paid in Full" thanks to your generosity. THANK YOU❤

This year

Some asked for a recap of this year. Here you go.

In January of this year, just over a year after finishing chemo, I started having one problem after another. Pain, infections, cognitive trouble. I was still seeing both my allopathic oncologist and my integrative oncologist regularly, every other month if not more, but every lab, every scan, they ALL came back showing I was NED (no evidence of disease). 
My CTC (circulating tumor cells) results came back ZERO each time. My CA 15-3
My CA 15-3 tumor marker test had been steady for 2 years between 11-13 (<35 is considered normal)
My MRIs, CT scans, and x-rays ALL showed everything was normal. 

EVERYTHING was "normal" but I was still in pain. I got pink eye 5 times in 3 months. I would randomly spike a fever and then it would be gone within hours. My doctors continued to monitor me and check everything they could think of, but nothing came up and I was starting to think it was in my head.

By June, I had come to the conclusion that my body just wasn't working properly and maybe THAT was my new normal. Late July, my oncologist gave me the "all clear" to not have to see her til next year. In August, I spent 2 weeks serving at a camp that is spread out...that meant a lot of walking...but I needed help and was driven around in a golf cart almost everywhere I needed to go. The pain in my hips, back, and shoulder were awful. When I got back from camp, I was due for labs again with my integrative oncologist. (I had decided that since I was still not convinced there wasn't something wrong I would continue seeing my integrative oncologist for monitoring. Thank God I did... That's when my CA 15-3 came back slightly elevated at 36. Only one point higher than what is considered normal, but 20+ higher than it had been. My integrative oncologist sent me back to double check (2 weeks later) and this time it was in the 60s. She was going to send me for another MRI but I asked for a PET scan. It lit up. A bone biopsy confirmed that the breast cancer had spread to my bones.

Stage IV metastatic breast cancer.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

When fear sneaks in

Sometimes I think fear seeps into my heart unannounced. It throws off my balance and leaves me clutching for hope. Keeping my eyes focused on Christ when I'm distracted by my broken body is challenging on a good day... next to impossible on days like today.

I went to the ER today. Friday afternoon I started getting a sharp pain in my chest just before I was to teach a private paint party. It happened twice that day and a couple times the next day. When it happened again during church this morning, I decided to go in and get checked.

I had been feeling better the last week and a half. Not needing my cane or pain meds seemed like good news but then the last 3 days it's back and awful. Especially in my neck, ribs, hip, and pubic bone. Walking out of church this morning with baby steps and feeling like my pelvis was going to split in half. My neck feels like the weight of my head will snap it.

The ER ordered a CT scan today. No blood clots in my lungs but it's showing lesions in my ribs, humerus, and clavicle. Unless I'm mistaken, the cancer wasn't in those locations 2 months ago. 

This is my first week with tamoxifen 5x/ week. I declined this toxic hormone blocker for 2 years and now here I am... desperate and hurting and taking it against my better judgment. I'm due for another bone strengthening injection (denosumab) on Dec 10th. With the increasing tumor markers and further spreading, I'm concerned that this combo is not working and wanted to let you know that I'm currently looking into an alternative cancer treatment center in Mexico. If I am able to raise the funds to cover it, I leave in less than 2 months.
Nine months of telling my 2 oncologists that I *knew* something was wrong, only to discover the cancer had returned, spread, and was causing the pain I was feeling, I'm a little leery of trusting them to my care. Now today I'm finding that the cancer is continuing to spread...

Prayer request
It's been 2 months now since I started treatment after confirming that the cancer had returned and spread. I have huge concerns waiting another 2 months before I can go to the treatment center and that's only if I'm able to raise the funds. Please pray for God's mercy and healing, allowing me more time... Pray that we'll be able to raise the funds quickly... Pray for my family and loved ones who are right in the thick of this with me, worried and afraid. Pray for me to keep my eyes on Jesus and trust him in all things.



For those that asked how they can donate, this link is to the FB fundraiser:

If you prefer Paypal, that link is: 

Both are connected to my donation account at First Interstate Bank. Donations may also be made there with no fees. Acct#249106

Blog updates can be found here:

Thank you๐Ÿ’•

Thursday, November 15, 2018


I just want to take a moment to say thank you to those of you that have sent cards and love notes to me and/or my family. God bless you!๐Ÿ’•

UPDATE: I'm now 2 months into treatment for Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. The first bone strengthening infusion I had (in Oct) landed me in the ER with the worst pain I've ever experienced. Thankfully my doctor got my insurance to authorize a monthly injection instead so I could avoid a repeat. I had that Monday and have had zero side effects.

My pain is finally under control, praise the Lord! I was also able to get off the pain meds shortly after returning home from our anniversary trip. Thanks to all who prayed for our time away. It was amazing๐Ÿ˜

My labs came back this week showing a continued increase in cancer cells. I was hoping to see a better response to treatment but I'll wait and see what my oncologist says about it.

Many folks have contacted me asking how they can help. Our greatest need right now is prayers for healing. And wisdom for what else I should or could be doing. I'm researching other treatment options and it's a bit daunting.
I'm thankful to be able to continue working right now, even with a reduction of hours. Last month I told my family that I wanted to go home to southern California for Christmas. I haven't shared the holidays with my extended family in 15 years. It's happening and I'm so excited about it ๐Ÿ™‚ I have over 100 paintings I'll be selling starting next week to help make that possible. I'd appreciate your help spreading the word❤ You can find the details here and share from there: