
Saturday, October 6, 2018


Me with my new stick.😉

As questions from friends and family come up, I realize that there are others who may have the same questions about my care. For instance, today I was asked if my insurance will cover my medical expenses. Yes and no. I have both a regular "conventional" oncologist and an integrative oncologist. My insurance will cover the conventional doctor and almost all conventional treaments. What are those? Chemo, hormone therapies, radiation, surgery, scans, labs, etc. They only cover SOME of my meds. All of those things affect my overall health and not always in a positive way. My insurance does NOT cover my integrative oncologist nor any alternative therapies or treatments, like hyperbaric oxygen therapy, infrared sauna, supplements, and an abundance of other modalities that have been very helpful in my healing process. It also doesn't cover the countless hours I've spent in doctor's offices instead of running my business or spending time with my family. Just the past month alone, I've spent over $1200 for doctor visits, a cane to help me walk, supplements, and out-of-pocket prescriptions to help my pain be somewhat manageable.
But whatever. I'm thankful to still be running my business and have control over my schedule. I will continue to work as long as I'm able because I truly love my work. It also helps pay these expenses.

That's just one of several questions I've heard lately and I'm happy to answer. I'm also extremely thankful to all who have donated to help offset these expenses. THANK YOU💗

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