
Friday, June 3, 2016

How to help

"To be rich in friends is to be poor in nothing." - Lilian Whiting

We have truly seen this confirmed time after time. We are so blessed by each of you, both family and friends, near and far. THANK YOU ♥

So many have offered to help and asked what they can do. We appreciate the willingness, but it's so hard to keep track of who has offered! I hope this will be helpful to compile it all in one place. Take a look, see what fits what you had in mind, and know that we truly could not do this without each one of you. The cost of cancer is nothing to joke about and medical insurance only covers a portion of it.

To bring a meal or send a gift card, please visit (Weeks/Summer)  or contact Kris Mays at krismays'at' I am also juicing daily and welcome any organic garden donations, especially greens and berries, from your garden or the growers market. 

Donations towards my medical expenses and additional costs of fighting this cancer can be made both locally or online, and in any amount. The way we set this up there are no fees involved and the entire donation goes to help me fight cancer. 
  • At any local Bank of the Cascades bank, a deposit can be made to "TIKA WEEKS CANCER DONATION FUND ACCOUNT". Mailed checks can also be made out to this account and mailed to 1119 Dakota Ave, Medford, OR 97501.
  • For online donations, please go to Donations made through this link will go directly into our cancer fund account.
It would be helpful to have a short list of people willing and available to take my boys to some of their activities. The more "normal" we can keep things for them, the better. Feel free to invite them to join your family activities too. I won't be able to take them to all the fun places summer usually offers and I hear being homebound and bored is not good for teenagers ;) Please text me if you are interested in doing that (541)778-7215. We have a few friends that live close by that have offered to do odd little errands. That is a huge help too. I will not be heading to Costco anytime soon!

I believe in the power of prayer and welcome any prayer warriors that are ready to stand beside me in this fight. I also love getting mail and notes of encouragement, whether by snail mail or email. My mailing address is 1119 Dakota Ave, Medford, OR 97501. Charlie and the boys would also benefit from your prayers and encouragement.

There is nothing I like more than spending time with loved ones. Please understand that I may not always feel up to it and may have my family put a note by our front door to allow me to rest uninterrupted. Know that I will look forward to the next visit that much more. We've placed a little guest book next to our front door. Please feel free to leave a little note, especially if we don't get to visit. 💜

A few of you have asked for ideas, things that I like or that bring me joy and lift my spirit. I had to think about this because it is awkward to do! It feels like I'm writing a personals ad! Sooo, I like living flowers, anything that makes my backyard a beautiful and restful place to heal. I like dragonflies, owls, and peacocks. Those that know me well know that I'm a wee bit of an Alice in Wonderland fan. I like coffee and tea, blueberries and cherries, the ocean and the mountains, and trees. I like to read, especially historical fiction, and I love art. I love going to the movies, theater and music performances, and visiting with friends. I do all of those things at home too. And I love spending time with my family or date nights with my husband. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Tika! We are praying for you EVERY NIGHT! When Eva and Nicholas return to Corban on August 24, we will have a spare bedroom with a queen size bed and bathroom available for any family members or visitors you have coming. Just let me know! Love, Veronika
