1.3.2017 - It has been 216 days, or 7 months and 2 days, since the last time I was able to get in the pool. A week and a half before my bilateral mastectomy. I have missed my twice weekly aqua zumba class immensely but my doctor didn't want me in a public pool while on chemo. [Photo: The other day, I realized that a "normal" swimsuit would not do. I am thankful for my sewing skills to alter 2 swim tops into one that would work.] Today was the day!! Despite the snow, I went to swim, dance, and get hugs from the teacher. The locker room afterward required a huge amount of courage. All was fine until I sat to put my shoes on. 2 teen girls burst into the locker room and stopped when then saw me, then continued on. Then I hear this, clear as day-
Girl 1: "I thought about shaving my head once, but it's too ugly. I would never do THAT."
Girl 2: "Yeah, I would have shaved mine too if it wasn't so long now. Long hair is pretty. Buzzes on girls is ugly."
You're right, girls. Long hair is pretty. Short hair can be too. But neither will hide the ugliness of your rudeness.
Me, directly to them: "Don't be rude, girls. Battling cancer doesn't leave room for shallowness or vanity."
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