
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Convinced Vs. Convicted

There are a few recurring themes in my life right now. I know that when my Heavenly Father repeats a lesson, it is because he wants me to learn something from it, for my His Glory. I also know that I can be a little slow to catch on sometimes...and stubborn. Thankfully, I also know that my Father is patient with me, loves me like no other, and will walk me through it and give me wisdom to understand it.

Two days ago, I had a conversation with a loved one that brought me to tears. I know that this person loves me and wants whats best for me, but I am trusting that God, who loves me more, knows what is best for me...even when I don't understand it.
Who am I to argue with God?

There are several areas of my life that this particular loved one does not understand.

How do you explain something you scarcely understand yourself?

I did not set out to homeschool my children...but God called me to it.
I did not set out to adopt more children...but God placed in my heart.
I did not set out to move away from family and friends...but God...well, God did.

I was not convinced to do these things, I was (and am) convicted. My obedience to the LORD and his will for me is paramount to all other "reasoning", and my heart's desire is to please the LORD.

I love to pick apart words and better understand their meaning. Here is what stuck out to me today:

con·vince (kn-vns)
tr.v. con·vinced, con·vinc·ing, con·vinc·es
1. To bring by the use of argument or evidence to firm belief or a course of action. To persuade.
2. To prove to be wrong or guilty.
3. To conquer; overpower.

con·vict (kn-vkt)
v. con·vict·ed, con·vict·ing, con·victs
1. Law To find or prove (someone) guilty of an offense or crime, especially by the verdict of a court: The jury convicted the defendant of manslaughter.
2. To show or declare to be blameworthy; condemn: His remarks convicted him of a lack of sensitivity.
3. To make aware of one's sinfulness or guilt.

I was not "strong-armed" into any of these things. My Loving Father brought me to them, firmly and gently, and he lovingly showed me His plan for me. He has promised to love me always, be with me always, guide me and give me wisdom. The declaration of His love for me is all I need. I have all I need in Him alone. I have ALL I need in Him alone. I have all I NEED in Him alone. I have all I need in HIM alone. Yes...Yes, I do.

No amount of "proof" or "evidence", no amount of arguing or reasoning, can convince me that I should ignore what God has called me to. Anything other than total submission to His will for me is disobedience. No matter how hard. No matter the challenge. No matter the impossibility. I know that whatever God has called me to, He will equip me for the days ahead.

I will press into Him constant companion.


  1. This quote...
    "Anything other than total submission to His will for me is disobedience. No matter how hard. No matter the challenge. No matter the impossibility. I know that whatever God has called me to, He will equip me for the days ahead."
    Beautiful. Can be intense, and can lead in unexpected directions, but beautiful.

    1. Thanks, Shawnna ♥
      Intense would be an understatement of the storm raging right now, yet I find myself in awe of the cloak of peace He has surrounded me in.
